I practice ashtanga yoga. I am particularly fond of balasana (child’s pose) because it is like a gift we offer to ourselves at the end of the practice, after physically demanding postures. And when we practice « Mysore style », we can spend as much time as we want into each pose and be our own judge to feel how long we need to regenerate or feel the healing powers of each asana. Ashtanga yoga is a very pure form of yoga, it is very demanding. It requires our will, sometimes our courage, but also our ability to stop when it’s necessary. And this is something I am able to do on my mat but that I have a hard time to do in my daily life. « Child’s pose », I love this name and what it makes me think of. I think children are naturally yogis. They are flexible, stand straight at the same time, they do things all the way and are totally connected to others and what is going on around them.